First let's start with last Friday. The kids were off from school due to a state-wide education conference and we learned that the characters from the PBS Kids show "Super Why" were going to be paying a visit to meet their fans at our local Whole Foods Market. This is a current favorite around here so I planned to take them to the store. Then life happened. I threw out my back. On Thursday, while reaching into the dryer to pull out my favorite pair of jeans, I felt it just SNAP!!!!!! I dealt with it for the rest of the day, resting it whenever possible and REALLY bribing Simon into the car when it was time to get Daniel and his friend from school, but by Thursday night, I was in A LOT of pain. When I woke up in the morning (slept well, thanks to a very good pain-reliever), Kevin asked if he needed to stay home (he saw how I couldn't move the night before. I was feeling better so I was slow to answer him, but then as I tried to stand up, he didn't even wait for the answer. He just put on a pair of comfortable pants and stayed to help me.
By the afternoon, I was feeling better, and we figured we could find a cart for me to lean on, so we put the kids in the car and headed over to the market. We still hadn't told them of our plans in case we decided not to go through with it and when we got there, we noticed there was a line (but not a very long one). So we (well, Kevin) got the kids out of the car with the leashes on, and we took our place in line. We looked in the window and who did we see?? PRINCESS PRESTO!!!! This is probably Rachel's favorite character from the show (well, of the heroes that is). We wait on line and despite a few attempts to jump ahead several spots, they did quite well. And they got to meet the Princess.

Then we took advantage and did a bit of shopping. We aren't at Whole Foods very often, even though we like many things that we can only find in that store. It's not particularly convenient and it is a little pricey (all right, you get what you pay for, but still it's not always in the budget). After we finish the shopping, the meet-n-greet character has changed and SUPER WHY is meeting with his fans. So, after making our purchase, we got on line and waited again. This time things didn't go quite as smoothy. Rachel and Simon were getting tired and just wanted to get in the store again or or the other. But eventually, it was our turn....

When it was done my back was hurting again, but it was worth it. They were excited and happily went in the car talking about Princess Presto and Super Why!
The other thing that happened this week involves a slight change to our bedtime routine (and for you loyal readers, you KNOW that is a sacred thing in this house). Simon, lately, has been unhappy with our existing routine. He's only wanted ONE book, and he wants to be the one to read it. So, Kevin let him the other night (this video is about 6.5 minutes long, so your choice how much of it you want to watch)....
He did a really good job with it. Some of it was memorization (he knows this book from school) but much of it was reading. But one thing we did notice by doing this is how much he still "stims" -- it's not the repeating stims that he used to do....we've always seen the flapping but now we're seeing the smacking of the lips and licking his face. It's not a bad thing that we're seeing it, but it's amazing how Kevin's decision to record this reading really showed us about our son's progress.....the good and the bad....
So, I've now filled you in about some of the things that have been happening around here. There's still more to tell as things are, as I said earlier, EXPLODING all around me, but that's another story for another time.