But it was a good week. In many ways because of those added activities. I learned more about Rachel while spending time at the doctor's office. I learned that everything we have been doing for the last 2.5 years is paying off, despite not always being able to see that -- she is doing SO MUCH BETTER than when our journey began. The IEP meeting was successful -- we found the areas that need more work and shared in Rachel's accomplishments over the last year. The only thing about the meeting that I didn't like was the fact that her placement for kindergarten was not discussed as I was hoping. I know it's early in the year, but I was hoping for a preliminary placement decision, if nothing else to hold a spot for her in our desired classroom. (I took care of THAT on my own, in my own "subtle" way....)
And my 40th birthday did not go passed unnoticed. I may not be where I pictured myself to be when I was 20, or even 30, but I am in a good place. I love my family and I am watching them grow. I learn new things every day and am making something positive for myself out of what I thought just 2.5 years ago was the end of the world. When I took Rachel to our regular pediatrician's office to get her up-to-date on her vaccinations (which went as well as could be expected), I had a very brief conversation with the pediatrician as I handed her copies of my new business cards. She and I had a long conversation shortly after we learned we were an unwilling member of the autism world (in fact, she's the one who first used that phrase in front of me). I told her that if any of her patients were just learning of their entry into the autism world and wanted to talk to someone, she should feel free to use my name. I think I can really help people who are just starting on this road. I'm not sure about the rest of this, but I am living proof that life isn't over when an autism diagnosis is discovered.

And, as horrible as this is to say, I really came to appreciate my family. The friend I visited lost her husband recently and unexpectedly. I can't imagine what she and her family are going through right now and I greatly appreciate that I don't have to. But I can be a good friend to her and be there when-ever and if-ever she needs anything from me. And I hope she knows she can count on me to be right there for her.
Additionally we had our normal activities....dance class, gymnastics and music class for Rachel and Simon. And I got to see my Tiger Scout sell popcorn outside of the local supermarket to raise money for his Pack. It's so hard for passers-by to say "No" to these young kids and he was just having so much fun hanging out with a couple of his friends.

So, I may have been on a quiet stint for the last week or so, but I've definitely been busy. No wonder I'm so tired these days.....
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