I was so excited for this. I was so happy for them to get back into a routine. And I needed the break.
Music Man decided the night before school started, that he didn't want to go back. He seemed excited up until that point. But in the end, he decided he wanted to stay home. But we went to his closet and chose his clothes for the next morning. That seemed to have done the trick. All 3 kids went to bed excited for their new adventure.
Ballerina was up first in the morning. She just couldn't wait to put on her skirt and show off her bling!

Big Brother was up soon after and he too wanted to go to school. He was disappointed that it wasn't time to go quite yet, but he still had over an hour to wait.
Finally, Music Man woke up and was prepared to get ready for a new school year. His twin sister really tried to drive the enthusiasm.

But finally it was time to head to the car.

Almost the entire school was gathering in the "All Purpose Room", lining up with their classes. When the bell rang, they had a short "Monday Morning Meeting" and then were dismissed to their respective classrooms.

They got through their day. And they had a good first day. And, at the end, I was waiting for them and they were happy to be picked up!

And we finished off the day with a trip to The Little Gym of Germantown for Rachel's first Hip Hop class. Immediately after class, they had a special "Welcome Back to School Party!" What a great way to end the first day of school!!!!!

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