Was all that preparation worth ANYTHING?
Let me start by saying th
Daniel arrived at the show so excited and full of anticipation. His interest in the Laurie Berkner Band is starting to wane just a bit, but still, seeing them performing live makes him remember how much he really DOES love her music. And he made a friend of the little boy sitting next to him, and overall, had a wonderful time.
Rachel was also looking forward to it all. She was excited to get to her seat (but wasn't anxious to settle there). But she was ready for it all. And she remembered the video sent by the band and knew the order of the first 3 songs and was eagerly anticipating them all. And, throughout the concert, she really did behave as well as could be expected -- she had her "bored" moments, but overall was captivated by what she saw and heard and was genuinely happy to be there.
Simon seemed to recognize that he was in a place where he would see a show. He really has a remarkable memory and for some things (but only ones that I don't want him too) is really really good at generalizing things (like recognizing that, despite never being at this particular place, it was clearly a place to watch a show). He was fine until the band was about to come on stage. Now, normally, he reacts to the dimming of the lights, but that wasn't the case for this performance, since it was an outdoor concert. But the noise of the microphones were clearly louder than what he want
That's when Kevin came to the rescue. He had Rachel on her leash (Simon was on his) and we switched. I went back to
Then, after it was over, we got to go backstage to meet the band. Rachel was so hot and tired by this time, she really couldn't enjoy the experience and just lay down on the floor (slept for the whole hour+ ride home once we got back to the car). And Simon refused to even look at the band members. But they did make the attempt to engage him, which I so appreciated. Daniel was thrilled to be there, and all 3 kids left with an autographed postcard by 3 of the 4 band members, including Laurie herself. And I had the opportunity to thank her for how much joy my kids experience through her music and also thank her for all the help her organization provided me to try to prepare Simon for the show.
So, to answer the original question, was all the preparation worth it, I guess the answer is yes. 6 weeks ago, I had to leave a show approximately halfway through because Simon was just that miserable. This time, even if I was there alone and didn't have Kevin's support, I think we could have made it. But it wasn't as good as I hoped for. Not even close. But I know that Simon made it through a show. And he can do it again. Just not for a long LONG time.
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