We are going CRAZY here. I know -- it isn't a very long trip. As children on the spectrum, we need to have a routine. This week, that routine has gone out the window. It feels like we've spent almost the entire time inside with the television on (pulled out every movie I could find that was appropriate) reading the same books over and over again and solving the same puzzles over and over again. The saving grace of having the kids home all week was Kevin was also home for much of it as the federal government had shut down (except for essential on-site personnel). Even though he spent a fair amount of time shoveling or working from home, he was HERE to relieve me when the need was there.
We did make an attempt to go out into the snow and let the kids play o
Rachel lost it when I put her in her snow suit -- I managed to get her outside, but she just kind of stood by the door crying and not quite sure what to do. Now, I have to admit, I can't blame her. She's a 39" little girl and there was 29.5 inches of snow that had fallen within the previous 48 hours.
Simon had a good time -- he managed to fall in the snow and was so shocked and bewildered that he forgot to be upset about it all. That's really funny in most respects because he's the one that can't handle change and has more sensory issues when dealing with unfamiliar textures and experiences (the first time he was given PlayDoh, he nearly vomited at the mere touch of it only about 9 months ago).
And, to make it even crazier, we have a long weekend this week for President's Day but on Monday they are predicting more snow -- now this one shouldn't be much, but right now there's NO WHERE TO PUT THE SNOW -- at this moment, I truly believe that, if a single flake falls, the area will just shut down.
So, to paraphrase a nursery rhyme, "Snow Snow Go Away; Don't Come Back Another Day"!!!!!
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