Ballerina seemed to have enjoyed herself all week. She came home happy with completed worksheets and a smile. The notes thus far have been positive and hopefully this will prepare her for her first day of kindergarten in a general education classroom on August 27.
Music Man really didn't want to go. He was enjoying the non-structured time he was experiencing at home the previous few weeks. He didn't want to climb on the bus. He didn't want to see his teacher. He just wanted to spend his entire vacation (and likely beyond) playing on the computer or on his phone. But climb on the bus, he did and headed off to ESY.
Shortly before the end of the session on the first day, his teacher called me. She called to warn me that he was coming home in different clothes. I'm thinking, "He's finally had an accident at school.....oh, was bound to happen". But no. He was coming home in different clothes because he was COVERED head to toe in PAINT!
You see, they put a mat on the floor, covered it with water and then put paint in the water. Then they had the kids play in it. They had done this a couple of times during the school year, but they just couldn't get Music Man to participate. He's a big strong boy and refused to be coerced. So he always watched from the side. But on Monday, he was watching with great interest. So, when he wasn't expecting it, his teacher gave him a push and before he knew it, he was right in the middle of the paint.
According to his teacher, he was a little shocked, but intrigued. And after a moment or two, he was having more fun than ANYONE! He got the paint EVERYWHERE -- on his clothes, between his toes, in his hair, you name it. And he had a BLAST. His teacher took some pictures and sent them to me.

Sometimes we all just need a little nudge. Music Man, well, he always needs a nudge. But when we try new things, we may find a new favorite thing. I was so proud of Music Man for trying something new!
Aside from the paint everywhere, that is AWESOME!!! And can I tell you, I'm so glad that happened at school and not in the living room. :)
ReplyDeleteLisbeth, DON'T I KNOW IT!!!! The paint washed out of the clothes with one cycle so there was no harm done and he had a BLAST!!!!!