This year, we did the family holiday in our own way and on our own. We didn't travel to NY or CT to visit with the family. My parents were unable to come because they were expecting company at their home. Kevin's family will be coming down here (well, many of them) this weekend. But for the actual day, we are on our own. And in many ways, that's a good thing. The insanity that goes with travel in general we don't have to address. And with the holidays, it's even worse because the traffic on the I-95 corridor is, simply put, a nightmare.
But on the my
Autism Facebook Page, all month long I've been saying what I've been thankful for in daily posts. Today, I posted a picture I found from another page and said that I was thankful for autism. What I said was, "
On this Thanksgiving Day, I'm going to say I'm thankful for autism. There are days, and there are moments that this statement is true and false. If it wasn't for autism, I'd be rushing through everything and not appreciating all of the accomplishments. If it wasn't for autism, I would miss the moments. And, if it wasn't for autism, would we have had Mozart, Gallileo, Van Gogh, Einstein, Edison, Grandin, etc.? And without autism, who would my Little Ballerina and Music Man be? Sometimes you have to take the bad with the good." And I mean this, with all my heart, despite all the things I have said about autism in this blog in the past and will probably continue to say in the future.

I am also very thankful to have such a wonderful husband who takes such good care of us all. Not being with family for Thanksgiving this year was made much easier by him making our little family a semi-traditional Thanksgiving meal (the only reason I say "semi"-traditional is the dessert had a slight twist to it). He spent the last few days working on making a perfect meal for the two of us (because none of the kids were going to have any of this. We had a perfect turkey, stuffing (cooked both within and without of the bird), potatoes, home-made oatmeal bread, gravy, corn and green beans, and of course, cranberry sauce. Then, to finish off the meal, he decided to experiment, and specifically for me, he made pumpkin bread pudding. He knows that I love bread pudding, and lately have found a passion for anything pumpkin flavored. What better dessert could there be???? (and he was right). We learned of the pudding from watching
Throwdown With Bobby Flay on
The Food Network.

So Happy Thanksgiving to anyone reading this. I hope you had a good year and that you took the time to appreciate all of your blessings.
Belated Happy Thanksgiving to you!